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Assumption of the Virgin Mary

Магдалена Дудова
Assumption of the Virgin Mary

Each year on August 15 thousands of people flock to the churches and monasteries bearing the name of the Holy Mother of God to revere her memory as the patroness of motherhood, marriage, and the hearth of the family. The assumption of the Mother of God is an exceptional sign, confirmation, and proof of the human nature of Jesus Christ. According to the Scriptures, this is the day on which the Mother of God, at the age of 64, leaves earthly life and goes to her son. From ancient times the day is preceded by a 15-day fast. The oldest place associated with the cult of The Mother of God is the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Jerusalem. It was built in the IV century on the place where, according to legend, the body of the Mother of God was laid in the Garden of Gethsemane.

The day is associated with many customs and beliefs that are observed every year by young and old.

  • According to tradition, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the most beloved day among women, because the Virgin Mary is considered the guardian of motherhood, children, and family.
  • Друга традиция свързана с празника Голяма Богородица е в храма да се носят плодове, мед и специално приготвена питка. Вярва се, че Божията майка е била постница и е живеела скромно. Питката се приготвя от ново брашно – това е брашното от тазгодишната реколта.
  • В някои райони на празника за първи път се вади от новия мед. Традиция е медът да се дарява в храма. Вярва се, че така кошерите ще са пълни с мед и пчелите ще се роят повече. По тези места Пресвета Богородица е почитана като покровителка на пчеларите.
  • In places where many animals are raised, there is an old tradition of the Blessed Virgin to be kneaded by the owners and distributed for the health of cattle.
  • На Голяма Богородица се организират големи курбани в цялото село. Някои семейства правят и курбан за къщата, наречен за здраве и живот.
  • According to an old belief, young women in this day should be careful not to touch anything red, so as not to remain childless. Also, on this day the Mother of God hears the prayers of the childless and they can conceive.

Traditional dishes on the table are fresh bread decorated with ornaments, chicken porridge, boiled wheat, corn, pumpkin, watermelon, and grape.

Name day is celebrated by Maria, Mariana, Mariela, Marieta, Mario, Mariana, Preslava, Mariam, Mika, Mara, Masha, Marian, Panayot., Bogdan, Bogdana, Bogomil, Bogomila, Bozhan, Bozhena, Bozhin, Bozhina, Bozhil, Bozhila, Bozhidar, Bozhidar.
