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Enyovden! Midsummer’s Mystical Day in Bulgaria

Магдалена Дудова
Enyovden! Midsummer’s Mystical Day in Bulgaria

On June 24 we celebrate an unusual day - Midsummer's Day, known in Bulgaria as Enyovden /Enyo’s Day/. The most common and enduring belief is that herbs picked before sunrise on Enyovden have great healing power. It is believed that on this day the energy of the Sun is the most powerful and magically transmitted to water and healing herbs. In the morning of midsummer’s day, the lakes, rivers, and even the morning dew are believed to have a special power. To soak up the magic of the day, you should take a dip or a swim in the morning water.

It is believed that at midnight before the Midsummer`s sunrise the sky opens, the stars descend to earth, enchant the grass and flowers, and give them healing magical power. During this time, the temporal and spatial boundaries between the upper and lower worlds are violated, and supernatural beings and divas come to the Earth. The magical power of herbs continues to be overlooked. Before sunrise fortune tellers and witches go to pick plants to make magic with. On this day the old healers go at night and pour water from a mountain spring. This should be done in complete silence, and the water is called "silent". It acquires supernatural power, which, however, will disappear if there is a single human voice. June 24 continues to be celebrated with such mystical customs. The beauty of Midsummer's Day lies in a spirit that has been preserved through many centuries of development and twists in history. Undisturbed by time or reality, traditions retain their mystical beauty and live in beautiful lands to this day.
