You have definitely noticed that fashion has a significant impact on flower choices. The emergence of new trends in bouquet […]
Indoor Plants. The best plants for every room in your home.

Plants have special superpowers and the benefits of living with them in your home are countless. Not only do they look great in the space and look aesthetically pleasing in appearance, but they improve oxygen, boost mood, and creativity, and also reduce stress, which automatically makes you healthier and happier.
The more the merrier!
From the health benefits to the look and feel of your space, there are many reasons why we think you can never have too many flowers. Plants have been proven to help relieve stress and connect with nature. Adding lots of plants to your space will create an extremely soothing indoor jungle that you'll love spending time in. Watching your plants grow and thrive is amazing and rewarding, and we can guarantee that once you've mastered caring for a plant, you'll want to challenge yourself with more. Also, houseplants like to be grouped together. Group placement of plants will create a microclimate that will make it easier for plants to retain moisture. In addition, this creates a greater power to purify the air, and plants such as Sansevieria, Aglaonema, Spathiphyllum, etc. will remove harmful toxins. The easiest way to fill a space with greens is to mix and match different plant sizes. Layering plants larger and smaller, will increase the lushness and help create that microclimate we're talking about. If you're looking for a quick way to transform your space with plants, check out our selections in the category of PLANTS and we can deliver the flowers directly to your home!
Ако търсите бърз начин за трансформация на Вашето пространство с растения, вижте нашите предложения в категория растения, а ние ще ги доставим директно до Вашия дом.
The best plants for the bedroom
Transforming your bedroom into a peaceful and beautiful sanctuary of dreams is easy with some well-chosen plants. Fill the empty corner of the room with a lush, dramatic plant such as Dracaena Marginata, or an elegant Ficus. You can place the plant directly on the floor in a beautiful pot or give it some height on a flower stand or decorative table. Choosing an impactful and easy-care plant means more time for rest and relaxation and less time for worry!
Place one or two small plants on your bedside table. A heart-shaped philodendron, Maranta Leuconeura, or small succulent plants will leave enough space for your phone and current bedtime reading. Sansevierias are also a great addition to the bedroom as they produce most of their oxygen at night, cleaning the air.
Превърнете спалнята си в истинска скрита джунгла с големи и изящни растения като Юка или Арека. По-големите растения създават драматичен ефект с минимални усилия.
Не се страхувайте да се възползвате от пространството. Колкото повече място заемат растенията, толкова по-малко място има за натрупване на мръсни дрехи - поне това ще кажем!

The best plants for the kitchen
Don't neglect your kitchen when you decide to get a new flower. Like the bathroom, the kitchen is often a bit more humid than most other rooms in the home. Choose plants that will thrive in extra humidity, such as Philodendron and Nephrolepis Fern. Lush green plants add a nice and earthy feel to traditional and not-so-traditional kitchens. Transform your space with our best plants!
In most kitchens, the countertop is the most important space in the place, so use plant hangers or the tops of your cabinets to keep your counter space free. Creeping and semi-creeping plants such as Zebrina, Stephanotis, Ivy plant, and Peperomia like to be positioned on a shelf or placed in a plant swing so that new growth can develop freely and cascade down.
Of course, most people don't have a lot of space in their kitchen for plants like a Strelizia /Bird of paradise flower/ or a giant palm, but adding groups of smaller flowers can have just as much impact. To incorporate this trick, group smaller plants together on a windowsill. Suitable plants for there are Aloe Vera, and Ponytail palm, which would love the bright, indirect light from a kitchen window. Apart from them, very suitable plants for the kitchen are herbs! Yes, the herbs, but not the dry ones, but the ones planted in a pot. In addition to the delicious aroma that will waft through the kitchen, you will always have fresh spices close to your hands while you are cooking!
Освен тях много подходящи растения за кухнята са билките! Да, билките които изпозлваме в кулинарията, но не сухите, а тези посадени в саксия. Освен вкусния аромат, който ще се носи из кухнята, Вие винаги ще имате на една ръка разстояние пресни подправки за Вашите гозби!

The best plants for the living room
The living room is where you and your family probably spend the most time, therefore it is also where you show your identity! Choose the most suitable plants for your living room and transform the space into an inner jungle that embodies you!
Add depth, color, and texture to your place by layering plants. Smaller plants paired with larger pots on the floor will not only look great but will also camouflage electrical cables and stuff you want to hide. Don't be afraid to choose bold and colorful plants like Aechmea, Strelitzia, Croton, or Dracaena, especially if your living room decor is more neutral. Use featured plants as a focal point.
Ако холът Ви е голям, запълнете визуалните празнини с голями растение. Всекидневната е перфектна за експозиция на Фикус Лирата, Дървото на живота, голяма Калатея Розеопикта, Фикус Бенджамин. Ако сте семейство в движение или сте по-скоро разсеяни към грижата към цветята, наблегнете на растения лесни за отглеждане като Сансевиера или Замиакулкас.
Растенията в големи саксии са склонни да издържат по-дълго време между поливанията в сравнение с растенията в малки саксии, което означава по-малко работа за Вас. Но ако забележите, че Вашето голямо растение изсъхва по-бързо от обикновено, може би е време за пресаждане. 😉

The best plants for low-light places of your home
Although we all dream of large windows that can fill our homes with sunlight, we know that it is not always possible to have picturesque windows with which to provide good light for our houseplants. If you are discouraged about your plants not thriving in the darker parts of the home, not every hope is lost! Many plant species naturally grow in low-light environments. Some of them are:
- Fern
- Calathea
- Zamioculcas
- Snake Plant
- Maranta
- Ivy Plant
- Philodendron
- Chamaedorea

How to choose the best houseplant for you?
Without a doubt, there are thousands of options for decorating with indoor plants, which makes it difficult to choose the most suitable flower for your space and life. Top-Flowers believe that anyone could take care of flowers, but it is important to choose the right plant first! However, everyone's life moves at a different pace and we all have different priorities and homes. Let's break down some considerations to think about that will help you find the best houseplant for you that will not only survive, but thrive. Before getting a new plant, ask yourself the following questions:
Нека разбием някои съображения, върху които да помислите, които ще ви помогнат да намерите най-доброто стайно растение за Вас, което не само ще оцелее, но и ще процъфтява.
Преди да се сдобиете с ново растение си задайте следните въпроси:
What level of care could you provide?
Just like people, plants have different temperaments. Some are easy to grow, require no special maintenance, and are adaptable. They won't die if you forget to water them and they can bloom in less than ideal light conditions.
Other indoor plants like their soil to have just the right amount of moisture. They may need frequent spraying and do not like to be in cold places. They're all beautiful and have health benefits, but that doesn't mean they're necessarily the right houseplants for your home.
So before choosing a plant, consider your level and experience with plants and the amount of time you can actually devote to your houseplants. If your life is hectic, running back and forth between dates, and meetings, working long hours, and traveling often, an easy-to-grow plant might be the best fit for you.

What kind of light do you have in your home?
Plants need light! Some plants need more light, and others hardly need it, but it should still be present in the space! Most houseplants will do well in locations with east- or west-facing windows. This provides the plants with enough sunlight for the better part of the day and diffused light the rest of the time. Southern light is strongest and best for light-loving succulent plants. But keep in mind that most flowers will burn if placed in direct light - where the sun falls directly on their leaves.
However, there are a few plants that will adapt to all different light levels and will even thrive in dark spaces where there is only fluorescent light. So, if the beige and gray walls of your office seriously disappoint you, there are plants that will successfully brighten up your workspace!
What is most important to you when choosing a plant?
Now that you've figured out the first and most important questions to ask yourself before heading to the flower shop, here comes the fun part - why do you want a new houseplant? Is it only aesthetically and love the way a plant looks? Want to purify the air? Or would you like your children to grow up with greenery around you since you live in the city? Whatever your motivation, keep in mind that flowers change lifestyles and are always a good idea!
Still need help the flowers?
Reach out to our team at Top-Flowers and ask your questions about the plants. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the specific species!