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Gift Voucher

от: 50.00 BGN

Free delivery over 70 BGN
Deliver to Sofia within 3 hours
Deliver all over the country 24 hours
Convenient payment methods
  • You have a choice of different voucher values (50, 100, 150, 200, 250 BGN).
  • Each voucher is valid for 365 days.
  • Our vouchers can be used both online and in-store.
  • Each voucher has a unique code, which can be validated online or in our store.
  • The amount of each voucher must be spent entirely in a single purchase. No change will be given for any remaining balance.
  • Our vouchers are issued as cards and are physically delivered to the recipient.
  • When ordering, we can personalize the cover with a short message, the recipient's name, and more.
    To do this, please contact us or leave brief instructions in the "note" field of your order.
  • The card is standard, not magnetic, and is not a type of bank card!

50 BGN, 100 BGN, 150 BGN, 200 BGN, 250 BGN

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